Tuesday, September 30, 2014

PedalPub Review

Last Friday was my second time on the PedalPub. When the boss announced we would be having lunch and then doing PedalPub in the DT Minneapolis area for a company event, I admittedly was not thrilled. The first time I experienced PedalPub was with my job prior to this one, and it was not fun. I felt like I was too short to pedal and like I was going to fall off the PedalPub and die. Not a fun feeling, when you also have people accusing you of lying for being too short to pedal.

However, the second time around. I had a blast! It really is about who you are with. I really enjoy my current company, and my coworkers. We had a smaller group, and my concern for the last time I did the PedalPub of being too short was not an issue. The driver told us how to adjust our seats, but luckily I was able to be bartender again and not pedal. A bartender is necessary as the driver is not allowed to touch any alcohol or hand out drinks.

It was a great experience for us all. We were able to explore different bars in the Northeast Minneapolis area such as: Nye's Polonaise Room and Otter Saloon. My negative perspective on PedalPub has changed. Although, it really is a lot of work especially after you've had a few. I think it's more fun for a company event than for a social event.

Bar tending for PedalPub

Let me know if you've done PedalPub before and what your thoughts on it are.

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