We hear about corporate responsibility fairly frequently in
our daily lives, but where did it begin? When did corporations start to feel
the need to give back to society?
The term corporate responsibility, or more so social
responsibility, was first coined by Howard R. Bowen, an
American economist, who wrote “Social
Responsibility of the Businessman.”
This book focuses on how companies should behave towards society in
regards to morality and ethics. Some could also argue that it started even
early than that in 1930s and 1940s, with Chester Barnard’s (1938) The Functions
of the Executive, J. M. Clark’s (1939) Social Control of Business, and Theodore
Kreps’(1940) Measurement of the Social Performance of Business. However, Bowen
was the first to have a clear definition of social responsibility. Bowen
definition was “It refers to the obligations of businessmen to pursue those
policies, to make those decisions, or to follow those lines of action which are
desirable in terms of the objectives and values of our society”.
Although, there was a variety of literature
that was published on social
responsibility after Bowen, the first company to actually publish a social
report was Ben and Jerry’s in 1989 followed by Shell in 1998. Shell was forced
to take social responsibility seriously as they were facing accusations of
being compliant with the execution of Ken Saro Wiwa and eight
other activists in Nigeria. Shell was also being attacked by Greenpeace for their decision to
sink the Brent Spar oil
platform. Because of all these issues that were arising against Shell,
investors and the public lost confidence in Shell.
Shell spent over 20 million dollars on their publicity to
rebrand and outline their values “Honesty, integrity and respect for people.” They
also incorporated on their website “Tell Shell,” allowing individuals and
shareholders to share their concerns with Shell. It gave them a sense of having
a more active voice in Shell’s decision making. Tom
Delfgaauw, former Vice President for Sustainable Development at Shell, said
in regards to the issues the company faced in the mid-90s “The best thing that
ever happened to us, first because we’ve come out of it much, much stronger as
a company, and second, because it accelerated a great many needed corporate
developments.” Because of the incident with Shell, it was an eye opener for
other corporations to self-reflect and prepare themselves for any possible
backlash they might receive on any of their decisions. They also needed to refocus
on how their corporation was affecting the communities and lives of people
around them.
This also began the rise of other organizations who wanted
to help corporations instill corporate responsibility into their vision and
mission. These companies include: PricewaterhouseCoopers, KPMG and Burson
Marsteller. Other companies that would serve on a more consulting side of
corporate responsibility are: SustainAbility, Business for Social
Responsibility, and CSR Europe. Also, as business began to travel overseas and
internationally, organizations such as Organization of Economic Cooperation and
Development (OECD), and the United Nations Center of Transnational Corporations
began to emerge around the 1970s.
How does your company fit in with social responsibility? Has
the corporate and social responsibility actually begun at your workplace? Who
is in charge of making sure that you are giving back to your community and
making the right choices?
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